Shipping & Returns


It is currently taking 2 to 3 working days to ship your order. We ship most items using USPS. It normally takes 2 to 5 days to arrive after we ship it depending on your location.

International shipping is based on location. International orders ship once a week and take an average of 3 weeks in transit. International orders are subject to customs charges. We cannot and do not charge customs charges. All countries are different. You need to be aware of your countries policy.


Clothing that does not fit can be exchanged for a new size or a different item if it has not been washed. You do not need permission to return product. Just return the item with a note about what you need and we will replace it. Be sure to include your invoice number. You may also return an item for a refund less the shipping if you are not happy with it. Returns must be made within 45 days of purchase. Custom made shirts cannot be returned or exchanged.

Returns should be sent to the address below with a note explaining what you need done.

Pop Music Merch
1912 Belleville Dr. NE
Leesburg VA 20176


Specials  [more]

Johnny Rides Again
Johnny Rides Again
$25.00  $15.00
Save: 40% off
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